.cymru and .wales names create a real opportunity to showcase your Welsh credentials. Find out who’s joining us in making the web more Welsh. Be inspired by their .cymru and .wales success stories.
FAW is one of the key sporting bodies in Wales that is leading the way in making the switch to .cymru and .wales domains
In international discussions, the Welsh youth movement, Yr Urdd, has been delighted to show that their domain name is .cymru.
Since the new domains for Wales launched in 2014, the Welsh Government were among the first to get behind this new online opportunity and led the way.
Launched in January 2016, Life Seeker promotes the mission “Play smart. Live well” and builds on Sally’s passion to encourage people to create their own happiness through inspirational stories and practical experiences.
When .cymru and .wales domains became available for the first time, Swyddle, a small Welsh start-up, seized the opportunity.
As Wales’ Welsh-language national theatre, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru travel the length and breadth of Wales and beyond, bringing their innovative productions to communities across the country.
With rugby being the Wales’ national sport, it made perfect sense for the gatekeepers of rugby in Wales, the Welsh Rugby Union, to be amongst the first to sign up to our first national domain names.
For the People’s Collection, ensuring visitors to their website know where they’re from is key. Providing a service and website where people can share and explore photographs, video clips and stories celebrating the history of Wales.
With technology increasingly playing a vital role in pharmacies, Welsh based Evans Pharmacy are ensuring that they’re ahead of the digital curve.
The first trampoline park in Wales chooses a unique and memorable .wales domain.
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